FireDOC Search

Peacock, R. D. | Reneke, P. A. | Forney, C. L. | Kostreva, M. M.
Issues in Evaluation of Complex Fire Models.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Clemson Univ., SC
Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 30, 103-136, 1998
fire safety | fire research | fire models | sensitivity analysis | evaluation | room fires
Several methods of evaluation of the predictive capability have been applied to fire models, but with limited utility. These range from explicit evaluation of the equations used in simple models such as ASET to pointwise evaluation of complex models from numerous computer runs of a model. This paper presents a discussion of the issues involved in conducting an analysis of a complex room fire model. Examples using currently available room fire models are presented. For the models and test cases examined, heat release rate and heat transfer effects dominate the behavior of the models. For simple models like the ASET model, analytical techniques can be readily applied. For more complex fire models, obtaining an overall assessment of the model increases in complexity with the complexity of the model, requiring evaluation of numerous model inputs and outputs. Thus, more directed local investigations are currently the only tractable means of evaluation. Areas for additional research are identified.