FireDOC Search

VilaReal, P. M. M. | Simoes da Silva, L. | Lopes, N. | Piloto, P.
Numerical Modeling of the Fire Resistance of Steel I-Beams With Restrained Thermal Elongation.
University of Aveiro, Portugal University of Coimbra, Portugal Polytechnic of Braganca, Portugal
Book or Conf
Designing Structures for Fire. Proceedings. Co-Sponsored by: Society of Fire Protection Engieners and Structural Engineering Institute. September 30-October 1, 2003, DEStech Publications, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 247-256 p., 2003
structures | building design | steel beams | fire resistance | numerical models | beams | columns | equations | buckling
beam-column; torsional-buckling; Eurocode 3; influence of the restrained thermal elongation in the behavior of steel I-beams being part of a frame; Eurocode models for bending and axial force under fire loading; comparative analysis of the numberical results and the two versions of Eurocode 3