FireDOC Search

Watts, J. M., Jr. | Chapman, R. E.
Engineering Economics.
Fire Safety Institute, Middlebury, VT National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering. 4th Edition. Section 5. Chapter 7, DiNenno, P. J.; Drysdale, D.; Beyler, C. L.; Walton, W. D.; Custer, R. L. P.; Hall, J. R., Jr.; Watts, J. M., Jr., Editors, 5/129-145 p., 2008
fire protection | fire protection engineering | handbooks | economic factors | economic models | computation | costs | equations | cost benefit analysis | cost benefit ratios | uncertainty | standards | cost effectiveness | Monte Carlo method | factors
cash-flow concepts; time value of money; cash-flow diagrams; interest factors; compound amount factor; continuous interest; software tools for interest calculations; estimated cost data; comparison of alternatives by annual cost; use of benefit-cost analyses in strategy selection; dealing with extreme events; summary of data center case study; symbols and definitions of economic parameters; functional forms of compound interest factors; interest tables