- Author
- Sfintesco, D. | Scawthorn, C. | Zicherman, J.
- Title
- Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.
- Book or Conf
- Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Fire Safety in Tall Buildings. Tall Building Criteria and Loading. Committee 8A, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Sfintesco, D.; Scawthorn, C.; Zicherman, J., Editors, 366 p., 1992
- Keywords
- high rise buildings | fire safety | fire prevention | building design | building construction | smoke control | combustion products | fire departments | earthquakes | case histories | human behavior | evacuation | handicapped | life safety | prefire planning | spacing | walls | exposure | fire endurance | flameproofing | computer programs | steel structures | concretes
- Identifiers
- tall building fire performance; occupant behavior and performance in tall building fire incidents; design and construction of tall buildings - contemporary fire-safety engineering topics; compartment sizing; fire resistant composite structures