- Author
- Burgess, S. R. | Forney, G. P. | Jason, N. H.
- Title
- BFRL Publications, 1997. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NIST SP 929, May 1998,
- Distribution
- Available from authors: NIST, Building 224, Room A252, Mail Stop 8667, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8644 USA, Fax: (1) + 301-975-4052
- Keywords
- fire research | building technology | fire models | fire tests | smoke detection | sprinklers | building construction | building design | cements | concretes | earthquakes | disasters | predictive models | weather effects | wind velocity | building codes
- Abstract
- BFRL Publications, 1997 contains publications produced by or for BFRL staff during 1997. Volume 1 contains Building Research Publications and Volume 2 contains Fire Research Publications. This year for the first time we also have included software for solving problems related to building modeling (MOIST) and fire modeling (FAST and ALOFT). In addition, we have included Building and Fire Research abstracts for documents published in previous years (1994 to 1996). Complete documents may be accessed either directly on these CD-ROMs or over the world wide web with an internet connection. These CD-ROMs are created using the ISO 9660 format allowing one to view the documents on either a Windows PC, an Apple Macintosh, a Unix Workstation or any other computer that supports this format.