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Hasegawa, K. | Kashiki, K.
Method for Measuring Upper Flash Point--Practical Method Using Setaflash Closed-Cup Apparatus.
Fire Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan Kobe City Fire Bureau, Japan
Report of Research Institute of Japan, No. 71, 69-77, March 1991 <b>AND</b> Bulletin of Japanese Association of Fire Science and Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, 41-49, 1990,
flash point | test methods | cool flames | petroleum products | equipment
[Abstract in English] We report an easy, practical method for the measurement of the upper flash point. The two small observing windows of a Setaflash closed-cup apparatus were closed to air. A sample was introduced into the cup, left for five minutes, then ignited. The upper flash point could be measured under the vapor-liquid equilibrium state by this procedure. The upper flash points of thirty-three chemicals and three petroleum products were determined. An empirical [equation] was used to calculate the upper flammable-limit temperature, with 5.25 deg C precision, using the observed upper flash point [equation]. The temperature ranges of the cool flame zone could also be measured using sensitive fine thermocouples.