FireDOC Search

Martin, S. B. | Alvares, N. J.
Ignition Thresholds for Large-Yield Nuclear Weapons.
Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA
USNRDL-TR-1007, April 11, 1966, 89 p.
nuclear weapons | ignition | irradiance | cellulose materials | kindling fuels | detonation | sensitivity
Ignition threshold data, determined at NRDL, are reported for a variety of cellulosic, kindling-fuel materials exposed to simulated long-duration pulses of large-yield, low-altitute airbursts. These data are then compared to data from other sources, including those from the Naval Applied Science Laboratory where a similar, concurrent study has been underway. Internal consistency of the independent sets of data is typically as good as can be expected within the limitations due to the inherent instability of carbon-arc thermal radiaiton sources (overall scatter of values is usually less than ± 10 to 15% fron central tendency). There is some indication that, for materials of more variable physical proeprties, the threshold values are less reproducible, but there are insufficient data for making a quantitative evaluation. In general "cloth-Type" fuels display more data-scatter than "paper-type" fuels.