FireDOC Search

Nishimaru, Y. | Tsuda, Y. | Sakurai, T. | Nagamura, N. | Kuchinomachi, Y. | Kashida, O. | Hieda, I. | Yamamura, M. | Jin, T. | Yamada, T.
Study on Evaluation of Toxicity by Gas Using Pure Gas.
Yokohama City Univ., Japan
NBSIR 85-3118,
Available from National Technical Information Service
Book or Conf
National Bureau of Standards. 7th Joint Panel Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety. October 24-28, 1983, Gaithersburg, MD, 613-628 p., ['1983', '1985']
toxicity | occupants
Four research groups are now doing research of the subject above; each group is researching a different aspect of the subject. We are now in the midst of the research and have not got final results. The method of our research and a part of the results are reported as follows: (1) Study of Physiological Disorders in Animals Caused by Pure Gas, (2) Study on Evaluation of Toxicity of Gas Using Pure Gas, (3) The Effect of Toxic Gas Upon Short Term Memory of Rats, (4) Study of the Psychological Effects on the Occupants by the Smoke Generated in Early Stage of Fire.