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Kisko, T. M. | Francis, R. L.
Network Models of Building Evacuation: Development of Software System. Final Report. Year Three.
Florida Univ., Gainesville, FL
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS GCR 85-489, March 1985, 58 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
building fires | egress | evacuation | human behavior | microcomputers
This report summarizes the efforts of the third and final year of a project to develop EVACNET+, a user friendly computer program that models building evacuations. When the evacuation of a building involves the flow of people through well defined passageways, it is natural to consider the evacuation problem to be a network flow problem. EVACNET+ is a user friendly interactive computer program that accepts a user defined network model of a building, converts that model to a time expanded dynamic "transshipment" network, and solves the dynamic network problem using a capacitated minimum cost network flow algorithm. The solution obtained gives a time-dependent plan to evacuate the building in a minimum time, and identifies building evacuation bottlenecks. In the first year of the grant, EVACNET+ was developed to the point of preliminary testing. During the second year, the coding of EVACNET+ was completed and a user's manual was written. This final year of the grant concentrated on research related to extensions of the EVACNET+ concept. The computer program, for either the PC or a main frame, may be purchased from either Dr. T. M. Kisko or Dr. R. L. Francis, University of Florida, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 303 Weil Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611. Telephone: (904) 392-1464.