FireDOC Search

Bryson, J. O. | Gross, D.
Techniques for the Survey and Evaluation of Live Floor Loads and Fire Loads in Modern Office Buildings. Building Science Series.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Building Research Div.
NBS BSS 016, December 1967,
buildings, safety | floors, loading | fire loads
live floor loads
The procedures and techniques developed for measuring and evaluating the live floor loads and fire loads in modern office buildings are summarized. The main features of a computer program for analyzing the data are outlined. This program provides a tabulation of the data, some statistical properties, and selected graphical relationships between the measured loads and the characteristics and usage of the structure. A rationale is developed which is intended to achieve the ultimate goal--easier and less expensive means of surveying live loads in buildings and their combustible content. Two office buildings have been surveyed in a pilot evaluation of the survey techniques--the National Bureau of Standards Administration Building in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the U. S. Civil Service Commission Building in downtown Washington, D. C. Typical results are presented to illustrate the computer output. (Author)