FireDOC Search

Proulx, G. | Creak, J. | Kyle, B.
Field Study on Photoluminescent Signage Used to Guide Building Occupants to Exit in Complete Darkness.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Jalite PLC, Essex, England Public Works and Government Services, Canada, Hull
For further information contact: Website: proceedings [the full proceedings can also be downloaded as a single pdf document (15MBs) or as a zipped file (13.9MBs)]
Book or Conf
Fire Information in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities. inFIRE (international network for Fire Information and Reference Exchange) Conference 2000. Proceedings. May 9-12, 2000, Ottawa, Canada, 1-8 p., 2000
occupants | exit signs | office building | effectiveness | evacuation | stairwells | lighting equipment | people movement
Photoluminescent Material (PLM); safety communication system to support office occupant evacuation; measuring the occupant time to start; measuring the occupant time to move; measuring the occupant time to evacuate the building; measure the speed of movement of occupants in a natural setting; obtain an assessment of the system from non-informed occupants