FireDOC Search

McConnell, N. G. | Boyce, K. E. | Shields, T. J. | Rushe, T. M.
Neurobehavioural Outcomes and Incidence of Trauma Following Domestic Fires.
FireSERT University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Belfast, UK
Book or Conf
Human Behavior in Fire: Public Fire Safety - Professionals in Partnership. International Symposium, 3rd. Proceedings. September 1-3, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Belfast, N. Ireland, 91-102 p., 2004
human behavior | fire safety | decision making | trauma | survivors | carbon monoxide | smoke inhalation | intoxication | exposure
neurobehavioural effects of inhaling smoke in domestic fire incidents; survivors who experience trauma that is related to the involvement in a fire incident