- Author
- Dittmar, M. J.
- Title
- New Technologies Focus on First Responder "Capability Gaps" and Needs. Part 2.
- Journal
- Fire Engineering, Vol. 162, No. 6, 63,66,68-70,72,74,76,78, June 2009
- Keywords
- first responders | technology utilization | fire fighters | costs | communication networks | emergencies | standards | radio equipment | mutual aid | gels | meteorology | water | NFPA 276 | NFPA 400 | NFPA 806 | NFPA 1407 | NFPA 1801 | NFPA 1952 | NFPA 3 | NFPA 1984
- Identifiers
- Communications and Firefighter Locator Systems; DHS's National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP); high-rise urban areas; non-UASI jurisdictions; Satellite Mutual-Aid Radio Talkgroup Program (SMART[TM]); three satellite mutual-aid radio talkgroup (SMART[TM]) channels; Western Satellite Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroup (W-SMART); Radio Over Wireless Broadband (ROW-B); Terrain Analysis Package Software (TAP)™; DHS Bridging Systems Standard; Multi-Band Radio (MBR); structural materials; fabric radiation shields; gel for home use in wildfires; water dynamics research