FireDOC Search

Hung, J. C., Jr.
Invesigation of the Influence of a Flow Field on Detonation Wave Characteristics in a Stoichometric Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture.
Thesis, September 1959, 73 p.
hydrogen/oxygen mixtures | flow fields | detonation waves | flame fronts | velocity distribution
This report is a study of the velocity and structure of a detonation wave moving against a flow of stoichiometric hydrogen and oxygen in an enclosed duct with varying cross section and coarse inner surface. A series of eight such detonations were conducted and the results were compared with the results of six detonations conducted in the same duct in quiescent mixtures. The flame front profiles in all cases resembled the third mechamism of detonation suggested by Zeldovich, and there was strong indication of a wave velocity decrease due to the alteration of velocity distribution in the induction zone of the wave.