- Author
- Mehta, A. K. | Wong, F.
- Title
- Measurement of Flammability and Burn Potential of Fabrics. Symmary Report. December 1, 1970-November 30, 1971.
- Coporate
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
- Sponsor
- National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
- Report
- Summary Report; Project DSR 72894, February 15, 1972, 47 p.
- Contract
- NSF-GI-27188
- Keywords
- fabrics | flammability | burns (injuries) | skin burns (human) | flame spread | fabric weight
- Identifiers
- theories of thermal injury; skin simulation; preliminary tests on burning of fabrics and predicted resultant burn injury; burn injury assessment under controlled condiitons; effect of flame spread characteristics on burn injury
- Abstract
- The objectives of the present study are to develop the knowledge and measuring techniques required for predicting the flammability and skin burn injury potential of a given fabric under specified sets of practical conditions. The flammability study is concerned with the interaction of the fabric flame with the skin, which is an example of the classic problem of the interaction of flame spread in a fuel bed with an underlying surface. The burn injury study is concerned with quantitative prediction of the extent of skin damage in terms of medically accepted definitions of burns.