- Author
- Liodakis, S. | Antonopoulos, I. | Kakardakis, T.
- Title
- Evaluating the Use of Minerals as Forest Fire Retardants.
- Coporate
- National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens 157 73, Greece
- Journal
- Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 45, No. 2, 98-105, February 2010
- Keywords
- forest fires | fire retardants | minerals | evaluation | flame spread test | differential thermogravimetry | air atmosphere | wildland fires | thermal analysis | equations | temperature | fire data
- Identifiers
- carbonate minerals hydromagnesite; forest species; TG/DTG analysis data before and after treatment with Hyd, Hun and HunHyd minerals; flame spread data before and after treatment with Hyd, Hun and HunHyd minerals