FireDOC Search

Bruck, D. | Thomas, I.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Different Fire Notification Signals in Sleeping Older Adults.
Victoria Univ., MCMC, Melbourne, 8001, Australia
Fire Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1/1st Quarter, 15-38, March 2008
adults | elderly persons | effectiveness | sleep | signals | smoke detectors | human behavior | noise (sound) | auditory perdeption | methodolgy | data analysis | statistics | females | males
auditory arousal thresholds; auditory awakening thresholds (dB) to a 5 sec 800 Hz tone at three different age levels by stage of sleep; description and rationale for the four signals delivered in this study; numbers of participants as a function of their age and sex; minimum pure tone air conduction dBHL thresholds required to pass screening criteria; descriptive statistics and repeated measures ANOVA analyses for Auditory Arousal Threshold (AAT) and behavioural response time for the four signals; level of significance for pair-wise comparisons across the four signals; statistics and independent t-test analyses for AATs for the four signals presented for males versus females; statistics and independent t-test analyses for AATs for the four signals presented for 65-74 year olds versus 75-85 year olds; Mixed T-3; voice signal; signal continuity; experimental versus field settings