FireDOC Search

Hagglund, B. | Walmerdahl, P. | Delin, M. | Lundquist, M.
Tillampade berakningar av brandgasers spridning med zon- och CFD-modeller. [Applied Engineering Calculation of Smoke Spread by Zone- and CFD-Models.]
FOA Defence Research Establishment, Tumba, Sweden
FOA-R-00-01409-311-SE; Project E2673, January 2000, 43 p.
smoke spread | zone models | computational fluids dynamics | fire models | fire protection
ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH The purpose of the study was to perform comparative calculations using zone- and CFD-models. This was done for different geometries, fire sizes and ventilation conditions. The zone- and CFD-model used was FAST 3.1 and CFX 4.1 respectively. Three different cases were considered. For two of these cases -- with several rooms on the'same plane -- the rooms were smoke filled down to floor level using the CFD-model, but only to a level of about 2 m above floor level using the zone model. The difference in results between the models becomes evident when it comes to assessing conditions for safe evacuation and fire and rescue operations. Some comparative studies between model calculations and full-scale experimental data from a previous study concerning smoke spread in a multi-plane configuration are given. Magnitudes compared are temperatures, smoke free heights, gas velocities and smoke density. The agreement between experimental and calculated data from the CFD-model is good. However, the zone model FAST 3.1 showed poor agreement between experimental and calculated data.