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Construction Industry Institute
Field Guide to Workers' Compensation.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Implementation Resource 45-2, March 1996, 38 p.
For more information contact: Construction Industry, Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705. Telephone: 512-232-3000, Fax: 512-499-8108, Email: Website:
construction | costs | management systems
workers' compensation management in construction; impact of workers' compensation on today's business; direct and indirect costs of workers' compensation; who's involved in workers' compensation activities; Experience Modification Rate (EMR); prevention and avoidance (safety); pre-injury management; post-injury management
Workers' compensation continues to be a problem in the construction industry. Some people simply do not understand workers' compesnation insurance and its intended purpose, nor how the system works. Opportunities exist to promote a better understanding of the system. For example, better communication improves the relationships between all parties and helps the process run more smoothly. Companies also should have a plan to educate employees on their rights and responsibilities under the system, as well as procedures for handling injuries when they occur. Although the goal remains "zero injuries," the comments provided in this guide should help you deal with both prevention and pre-injury.