FireDOC Search

Miller, C. F.
Hamburg Police President's Report on the Large Scale Air Attacks on Hamburg, Germany, in World War II. Apppendixes 1 Through 7.
Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA
Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA
NRDL-TRC-68-7; OCD Work Unit No. 2536D, December 1968, 292 p.
civil defnese | damage | bombs (ordnance) | shelters (fallout)
Hamburg air raid defense; property damage by bombs; property damage by fire; air raid shelters; air attacks; police organization plans; World War II
This document presents information on air attacks and on civil defense preparations and accomplishments in the city of Hamburg, Germany, up to the time of the large scale attacks that-started on July 25, 1943. The bulk of the document consists of a chronology of policy bulletins, pamphlets, orders and organization plans for emergency service situations. A civil defense system was developed in response to preconceived and observed effects, from the covering of windows to the preparation of shelter rooms, to poison gas protection, to shelter habitability, and finally to the recognition of fire as the major hazard to be faced.