- Author
- Russell, J. S. | Jaselskis, E. J. | Lawrence, S. P. | Tserng, H. P. | Prestine, M. T.
- Title
- Development of a Predictive Tool for Continuous Assessment of Project Performance.
- Coporate
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Report
- Research Report 107-11, January 1996, 208 p.
- Keywords
- construction
- Abstract
- The Construction Industry Institute (CII) convened a task force in 1992 to investigate predictive tools for the construction industry. The need for this research stems from the multitude of data generated by construction projects. Project managers need to use this information to assist them in managing projects. Few tools exist that enable them to use data from past projects to plan for completing an upcoming project on-time and at or under budget (defined as successful for purposes of this research). Likewise, limited tools are available that enable project managers to use this historical data during design, procurement, and construction of a project to ensure successful completion of a project with respect to schedule and budget. The research presented in this source document aims at developing a process whereby owner, engineer, and construction contractor ogranizations can collect, maintain, and analyze data that are provided throughtout the life of a project to assess project performance. The research was performed under the guidance of the CII Predictive Tools Task Force which consisted of 16 representatives from CII member companies. Data were collected on 54 projects using a 41-page data collection tool aimed at gathering project-specific information on 76 time-dependent variables as well as a variety of project characteristics and project performance and schedule information. Companies were given approximately two weeks to compile as much of the information as possible on past projects. Interviews were then conducted with key project participants to gather additional information on the projects.