- Author
- Schaffer, E. L. | Woeste, F. E. | Bender, D. A. | Marx, C. M.
- Title
- Strength and Fire Endurance of Glued-Laminated Timber Beams.
- Coporate
- PFS Corp., Madison, WI Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg Texas A & M Univ., College Station Alpine Engineered Products, Pompano Beach, FL
- Book or Conf
- Design of Structures Against Fire, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York, Anchor, R. D.; Malhotra, H. L.; Purkiss, J. A., Editors, 71-86 p., 1986
- Keywords
- timber | beams | fire endurance tests | mechanical properties | laminates | methodology
- Identifiers
- time-to-failure (TTF); strength simulations