- Author
- Miller, C. F.
- Title
- Fire Fighting Operations in Hamburg, Germany During World War II. Final Report.
- Coporate
- URS Research Co., San Mateo, CA
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- URS 7004; Work Unit 2534H, June 1971, 112 p.
- Contract
- DAHC20-70-C-0307
- Keywords
- fire fighting | civil defense | fire departments | fire storms | survival | mass fires | planning
- Abstract
- Information recorded by the Hamburg Fire Department during Wrold Warr II has been summarized and analysed to evaluate several operational parameters relating to the performance of the various fire fighting organiztions under conditions of stress from air attacks on the city. Prior to the large-scale attacks, the professional fire fighting units fought at about 38 percent of the fire sites while the Self-Protection Service squads fought at about 59 percent of the fire sites.