FireDOC Search

Staackmann, M.
Damage to and Analysis of Fire Department Capabilities, City of Albuquerque. Final Report.
URS Research Co., Burlingame, CA
Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA
URS 697-8; 5A-11101-2522H-05; OCD Work Unit 2522H, March 1969, 42 p.
damage | fire departments | fire fighting vehicles | survival | nuclear warfare | nuclear attack
preattack distribution of resources; postattack condition of all fire service personnel; damage estimates for fire service facilities; damage estimates for fire service trucks; other fire departments in the Albuquerque area; analysis of remaining fire department capabilities; fire department capabilities; postattack fire situation; fire service resources; population survival; protection of critical areas
This study examines damage to the Albuquerque Fire Department as a result of the Five-City-Study attack and analyzes the capabilities of the Fire Department in dealing with the postattack fire situation. After reviewing damage incurred by personnel, facilities, and trucks, the remaining fire service resources were evaluated with respect to the magnitude of the demand situation and obstacles preventing the satisfaction of the demands.