FireDOC Search

Levin, B. C. | Paabo, M. | Bailey, C. S. | Harris, S. E.
Toxicity of the Combustion Products From a Flexible Polyurethane Foam and a Polyester Fabric Evaluated Separately and Together by the NBS Toxicity Test Method.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Science Safety. Proceedings. 1st International Symposium. Gaithersburg, MD. Hemisphere Publishing Co., NY. Grant, C. E. and Pagni, P. J., Editors. 1111-1122 pgs. TH9112.F5626 1986. October 7-11, 1985. AND UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety. 8th Joint Panel Meeting. Tsukuba, Japan. 648-682 pgs. May 13-21, 1985, 1986
NBS toxicity test method
Representative specimens of two materials, a flexible polyurethane foam and a polyester, were thermally decomposed separately and together in order to compare the toxicological effects of the combustion products from the combined materials with those from the single homogeneous materials. Gas concentrations (CO, CO2, O2 and HCN), blood carboxyhemoglobin, and LC50 values [the concentration of material necessary to kill 50% of the test animals (Fischer 344 male rats) during a 30 minute exposure and a 14 day post-exposure observation period] were determined for the separate and combined materials under both flaming and non-flaming conditions. The results of the combined experiments indicated that under nonflaming conditions, both materials contributed in an additive manner to the concentration of the combustion products. However, under flaming conditions, the generation of HCN and CO is greater than that predicted from the addition of the maximum amounts produced by the materials separately.