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Smith, N. S. A.
Comparison of CMC and SLF Model Predictions With Experimental Data for Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flames. Technical Report.
Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Victoria, Australia
DSTO-TR-0631; AR-010-468, March 6, 1998, 51 p.
turbulent jet flames | diffusion flames | combustion | gas turbine engines | combustion chambers
Jet diffusion flames have long been the basic model problem for developing and verifying models for turbulent nonpremixed combustion. In this report, a comprehensive jet flame study of two well known models is made as a foundation step for the incorporation of these models into DSTO's ongoing effort to develop a fundamentally-based generic gas turbine combustor predictive capability. Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) and Steady Laminar Flamelet (SLF) model predictions are compared with data measured from the two turbulent hydrogen jet flames studied experimentally by Kent and Bilger and Barlow and Carter. The comparison highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each model in the context of predicting turbulent nonpremixed flame dYnamics in general. The future application of these two models to the turbulent nonpremixed systems associated with gas turbine engine combustors is discussed in the light of the findings presented.