FireDOC Search

Benjamin, I. A.
Fire and the Built Environment.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Book or Conf
Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Impact of the Report of the President's Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. 3rd Annual Fire Safety Seminar. February 27, 1974, New York, NY, 1-1 p., 1974
fire prevention | fire suppression | fire protection | fire detection systems | public awareness
[ABSTRACT ONLY] Fire in the built environment is a complex phenomemon because of the variety of fuels and ignition sources which surround us. The public is becoming increasingly aware of the fire hazards in their environment. However, in many cases, our understanding of fire in the built environment is primitive. We do know that fire follows a chain of events involving an ignition source, exposure and ignition of a flammable materials, fire spread and smoke movement. At each of these points, we can take remedial action to reduce fire loss. Options for action at each point in the fire chain are discussed. Preventing ignition offers the options of reducing ignition sources, such as matches and kitchen ranges, and reducing the ease of ignition of flammable materials. Limiting the growth of fire and containing fire to a pre-determined area will be discussed as means of controlling fire spread. Detection systems, smoke control systems, and movement of ocupants will be presented as complementary options for reducing the effects of the fire. The impact of propmpt notification, ease of access, and need for safe firefighting equipment will be explored in disucssion of manual extinguishemnt.