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Tucker, R. L. | Peterson, C. | Meyer, J. | Simonson, T.
Methodology for Identifying Automation Opportunities in Industrial Construction.
University of Texas, Austin
Source Document 56, September 1990, 179 p.
construction | methodology | industries | pipes | steel structures
automation research to date; structural steel data presentation and analysis; piping data presentation and analysis; electrical data presentation and analysis
The Construction Industry Institute (CII) Advanced Technological Systems Task Force was created to research the possibilities for implementation of automation technology, or robotics, in the construction environment. This particular research effort focused on the identification of construction tasks which might prove to be most receptive or in need of automation technologies. The identification of tasks was accomplished by developing and implementing a methodology within three areas of construction: piping, electrical, and structural steel. The methodology emphasizes field data collection and analysis of subjective factors which are relevant to the purpose. Input for this research was received from management and field personnel on selected construction sites and also from the members of the ATS task force. The field data collections were performed by John Meyer, Claire Petersen, and Tim Simonson.