- Author
- Kaetzel, L. J.
- Title
- Computer-Integrated Knowledge System (CIKS) Network: Report of the 2nd Workshop.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NISTIR 6401, December 1999, 102 p.
- Book or Conf
- Computer-Integrated Knowledge System (CIKS) Network: Report of the 2nd Workshop. Network for High-Performance Construction Materials and Systems (NPCMS). Proceedings. September 24-25, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, 1999
- Keywords
- computers | computer integrated knowledge systems | construction industry | high performance construction materials | construction materials | information technology | knowledge interoperability | knowledge based systems | workshop
- Abstract
- **EACH PAPER IS TREATED LIKE A SEPARATE DOCUMENT AND MAY BE VIEWED AND/OR DOWNLOADED THAT WAY** The 2nd workshop on a National Partnership on Computer-Integrated Knowledge Systems (CIKS) Network for High-Performance Construction Materials and Systems (NPCMS) was held in Gaithersburg, MD on September 24th and 25th 1997. The workshop was sponsored by the Building and Fire Research Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Construction Materials Council of the Civil Engineering Research Foundation, and the American Society for Testing and Materials. The workshop mission was to: Provide a forum for developing and participating in an industry-wide effort to address the information needs of private and public organizations within the construction industry. The workshop objectives were to: 1.Identify and prioritize current and future information needs of the construction industry as they relate to construction materials and systems. 2. Critique the proposed framework for developing and implementing CIKS. 3. Identify and assess opportunities for private and public partnerships for developing CIKS. In the pursuit of these objectives, experts representing private and public construction industry organizations and information technologists presented information on projects that comprised a major information representation and distribution component. Also, representatives from facility owners, technical associations and societies, consultants and engineers, and universities met in working groups to identify knowledge user needs and to critique the relevance of keynote presentations to their project and organizations goals. Two working groups: 1) concrete and 2) coatings developed substantial agendas and recommendations for pursuing the CIKS mission and objectives. The consensus of the group revealed that CIKS could significantly improve the distribution and use of electronically stored knowledge and that the concrete and coatings working groups should be a model for other working groups to pursue. This report presents information contained in the keynote addresses and results of the working group sessions.