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Galambos, T. V. | Gould, P. L. | Ravindra, M. K. | Suryoutomo, H. | Crist, R. A.
Structural Deflections. A Literature and State-of-the-Art Survey. Building Science Series.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBS BSS 047, October 1973,
Available from National Technical Information Service
structures; dynamic structural analysis; reviews; deflection; gravity deflection; vibration; structural engineering; foundations | occupants
A literature survey and state-of-the-art study was complied using 233 primary source documents, research papers, and texts. Over 800 documents were scanned to arrive at the primary source documents. The problem of structural deflections is discussed and reviewed in its component areas of static and dynamic deflections as related to forcing functions and structural characteristics. Also the interactions of major structural dflections with building structures subsystems and human occupants is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on serviceability limit states of deflections. Detailed comparisons of human response to structural vibrations are also made. The report is broad in scope and covers the areas of analysis, design and experimentation. (Author)