FireDOC Search

Bryner, N. P.
NIST Fire Fighter Technology Program Overview.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 1051, December 2007,
Book or Conf
Real-Time Particulate Monitoring: Detecting Respiratory Threats for First Responders. Workshop Proceedings. Appendix 3: Workshop Presentations. Appendix 3.H. May 3-4, 2007, Gaithersburg, MD, 63-75 p., 2007
first responders | respiratory systems | health hazards | fire fighters | fire departments | technology utilization | training | effectiveness | technology assessment | fire loss | costs | respirators | fire fighting equipment | fire research | information dissemination
The Advanced Fire Service Technologies (AFST) Program objectives are to (*) Provide the science and performance metrics for development and implementation of new technology, (*) Enable an information-rich environment, firefighter training tools, and application of innovative new technologies, (*) Improve effectiveness and safety of first responders, and (*) Support Fire Loss Reduction Goal and facilitate the development and transfer of BFRL research to the fire service. Funding is prioritized to improve equipment where no current metrics or standards exist and to improve existing metrics and standards, to integrate emerging technology with the biggest impact, and to transfer technology to the fire service through firefighting simulators and training programs. Projects in this program include the characterization of firefighter respirators using computer modeling and experiments, hose stream effectiveness, standards for thermal imaging cameras, PASS device audibility, structural collapse prediction, emergency responder and occupant locator technology, and tactical decision aids, among many others.