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Hurley, C. W. | Ryan, J. D. | Phillips, C. W.
Performance Analysis of the Jersey City Total Energy Site: Final Report. HUD Utilities Demonstration Series. Volume 13.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
NBSIR 82-2474, August 1982,
Available from National Technical Information Service
diesel electric power generation; new jersey; heat recovery; performance evaluation; data; economic analysis
total energy systems; waste heat utilization; jersey city (new jersey)
The National Bureau of Standards was responsible for designing and installing the instrumentation and a data acquisition system (DAS) to determine fundamental engineering data from the plant and site buildings. The DAS was put on line in April 1975. The raw data from the DAS was processed by a minicomputer at NBS to obtain a broad spectrum of engineering results. This report describes these systems and presents the appropriate data and a performance analysis of the plant and size. The analysis of the data indicates a significant savings in fuel is possible by minor modifications in plant procedures. This report also includes the results of an analysis of the quality of utility services supplied to the consumers on the site and an analysis of a series of environmental tests made for the effects of the plant on air quality and noise. In general, these analyses reflected favorable results for the total energy plant. Economic and energy analyses are presented for the plant as operated during the period of the study and on a comparative basis with twelve alternative system designs applicable for providing the tenants on the site with equivalent utility services.