FireDOC Search

Besson, J. | Fackler, J. P.
Fire Breaks in Metropolitan Areas, Fire Tests in an Actual Apartment Building.
Report No. 224, 1955, 28 p.
apartments | fire tests | fire breaks | scale models | fire protection | fire fighters | temperature | fire fighting
An article has been published concerning the fire belts in metropolitan areas in Numbers 24-25 (Series 217) of the Scientific and Technical Building Center. In this article, the author has attempted to show to determine the minimum fire belt width required in order to keep the fire from crossing the fire belt by radiation. the relationships obtained by calculation based on the well known laws of radiation and also based on the British tests with small scale model, involving a certain number of parameters, particularly, the maximum temperatures which are simulataneously registered during the course of the fire in all parts of the burning buildings. Since the temperatures occur at the fourth power of the absolute temperatures, it is very improtant to give these temperatures a reasonable value in order to apply the diverse relationships to concrete cases.