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Construction Industry Institute
Identifying Success Factors for High Performance Project Teams.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Research Summary 134-1, May 1999, 31 p.
For more information contact: Construction Industry, Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705. Telephone: 512-232-3000, Fax: 512-499-8108, Email: Website:
construction | planning
In the competitive world of construction, project teams have the specific goals of reducing project costs and schedules. Studies of performances by project teams in other industries indicate that one method of reducing test and schedule growth is to establish high performance work teams in planning and execution. Those studies indicate that common characteristics can by found that differentiate highly effective teams iron1 less effective teams. CII, in its attempts to improve the engineering and construction industry, believes that project teams must go beyond simply implementing best practices. CII therefore established the High Performance Work Teams Research Team to (1) identify common characteristic of high performance work teams in construction, and (2) to establish metrics that will help the industry realize the benefits of having project teams that achieve high performance. The research was to focus on reductions in cost and schedule that can be attributed to the high performance of project teams. "High performance" was defined by the majority of survey respondents as being 10 percent or better performance against established targets for cost, schedule, safety, customer satisfaction, and rework, where the targets had already been aggressively set.