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Construction Industry Institute
Zero Injury Economics.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Special Publication 32-2, September 1993, 33 p.
Worker injury imposes a significant inefficiency upon the U.S. engineering and construction industry. Despite the advent of the OSHA Act in 1972, construction has realized little improvement in safety. Estimates of the total cost of injury for the $450 billion U.S. construction industry range from $7 billion to as high as $17 billion annually. The moral and humane aspects are more than sufficient justification for doing all in one's power to eliminate worker injury. The problem of not knowing how to eliminate worker injury, however, has been pervasive until recent times. With the advent of increasing numbers of owners and contractors who are achieving zero lost workday injuries on construction projects, a new concept is emerging - zero injury. This new-found reality for some has become a sought-after possibility for others. The zero injury concept means that essentially all serious injury to workers can be successfully prevented. Techniques on how to achieve zero injury in construction can be found in CII Publication 32-1, "Zero Injury Techniques". The practical economies of achieving and sustaining zero lost workday cases are revealed in this companion publication. In this publication, worksheets and required information are provided for both owners and contractors who wish to calculate their own cost of injury. Specific procedures are given on how to eliminate the unnecessary expenses. Eliminating injury and successfully managing the workers' compensation insurance coverage can reduce preminiums up to 80 percent. Six action steps are provided to help lower a high EMR situation. Recommendations and key implementation needs also are provided to help in achieving a new concept in the construction industry: zero injury.