- Author
- Markels, M., Jr. | Friedman, R. | Macek, A. | Haggerty, W. | Eichbauer, R.
- Title
- Program to Advance the Technology of Fire Extinguishment (Hydrogen-Oxygen). Part 2. Technical Documentary Report.
- Coporate
- Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Sponsor
- Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, VA
- Report
- ASD-TDR-62-526, Part 2, March 1963, 75 p.
- Keywords
- fire extinguishment | hydrogen/oxygen mixtures | detonation | fire suppression | liquid hydrogen | combustion | slurries
- Identifiers
- gaseous hydrogen-oxygen detonation suppression; control of confined liquid hydrogen combustion; liquid hydrogen-metal slurry extinguishment
- Abstract
- The second year's effort under Contract AF 33(616)-8110 (for first year's work see ASD-TDR-62-526) included the study of [1] suppression of gaseous hydrogen-oxygen detonations, [2] methods for controlling liquid hydrogen combustion, and [3] extinguishment of liquid hydrogen-metal slurry fires. Of several gaseous inhibitors for 62:38 (per cent by volume) mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen, isobutene was found to be the best from evaluations of several low-molecular-weight alkanes and alkenes, acetylene, methyl halogenides, chlorine, and pentacarbonyl iron. Isobutene was effective at a concentration of 1 per cent.