FireDOC Search

Morishita, Y.
Evaluation Techniques of Fire Risk. Evaluation of Fire Protections by Paired Comparison Method. (Only Abstract in English)
Building Research Inst. of Japan, Ibaraki-ken
Book or Conf
Building Research Institute of Japan. Annual Report of Building Research Institute. April 1982-March 1983, 168-170 p., 1983
fire risk | life safety | fire protection
The method how the fire risk of the subject building can be evaluated by expert judgement was examined in this report. Paired comparison method was used for judging life safety performances realized by the combinations of 3 kinds of fire protections, namely, wall hydrant, sprinkler and fire extinguisher. It was clarifyed that by using this method, each evaluator's thought for the evaluation can be expressed with numerical values, further the differences of thoughts among the evaluators can be analyzed.