- Author
- Chanin, D. I. | Shiver, A. W. | Bennett, D. E.
- Title
- Toxic Gas Accident Analysis Code User's Manual. Technical Report.
- Coporate
- Sandia National Lab., Albuquerque, NM
- Sponsor
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
- Report
- NUREG/CR-3685; SAND84-0367, August 1984, 60 p.
- Contract
- NRC-FIN-NO.-A1214 DOE-40-550-75
- Keywords
- toxic gases | computer models | nuclear power plants | habitability
- Abstract
- One of the offsite hazards which could threaten the safety of a nuclear power plant is nearby transportation accidents involving releases of toxic gases or volatile liquids. Significant releases of such materials could endanger the plant through incapacitation of control room personnel. An interactive computer program has been developed to aid in the evaluation of control room habitability for these accidents. The first part of the program can be used to study the time history of toxic material concentrations in the control room under varying external conditions, all of which can be specified by the user. The second part estimtes the annual probability of operator incapacitation at a particular plant due to nearby accidents on roads or rail lines, or at stoerage sites. a data base manager is provided so that all data (site and route layouts, plant characteristics, meteorological data, and chemical data) can be entered and maintained in a convenient format. The program was devloped for use on CDC computers using the NOS timesharing system.