- Author
- Weber, S. F. | Cassard, B. C.
- Title
- Economics Applied to Standards: A Guide to the Literature. Final Report.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NBSIR 80-2015, April 1980, 91 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- bibliographies | cost benefit analysis | risk analysis | evaluation | regulation | standards
- Abstract
- This report provides a guide to the available literature on the application of economics to the analysis of standards and standardization. One hundred eighty-nine relevant articles, reports, and books were found and organized into four major categories of interest: (1) General methods of economic evaluation; (2) Economics useful for standards analysis; (3) Evaluation of specific developed standards; and (4) Economics applied to the development of standards. The significant finding within each of these categories are briefly discussed in the text. The annotations which accompany the bibliographical entries provide more detailed information. The text includes a discussion of the approach followed in the literature search. An author index is also provided.