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Kurihara, T. Y.
Computer Integrated Knowledge Systems: Proposed Framework.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 6401, December 1999,
Book or Conf
Computer-Integrated Knowledge System (CIKS) Network: Report of the 2nd Workshop. Network for High-Performance Construction Materials and Systems (NPCMS). Proceedings. September 24-25, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, 58-63 p., 1999
computers | information dissemination | construction | industries
The construction community is represented by a diverse set of private and public organizations and disciplines. The industry lacks consistency in the way it represents, communicates, and interprets information about its products, materials, and systems. There is a need to establish a framework that will improve the service-life and durability of structures and components, and reduce costs associated with construction, operations, and maintenance activities. Industry-scale improvements can result from the adoption and implementation of a framework that includes: a consistent terms for use by construction industry knowledge users; criteria and standards for data quality and formats; a standard format for knowledge interchange; improved methods for seeking and interpreting knowledge; an intelligent interface for users. This paper outlines a proposed framework to address the needs of the construction industry product, materials, and systems knowledge users involved in operation and maintenance activities, such as condition assessment, material failure analysis, and material selection. This paper is an abbreviated version of the NIST Internal Report (NISTIR-6071), which was provided to all of the workshop attendees and was the basis for the presentation of the CIKS framework. CIKS is intended to be used for constructed facilities, such as bridges, private and public buildings, etc. Initially, the framework addresses the industrial coating material area. However, the activities and methodologies described will apply to other construction materials, such as cementitious materials, steel, aluminum, composites, and roofing. Several goals have been established for the implementation of CIKS. These goals provide a context for its development, a long-term vision, and near-term usefulness. It is envisioned that refinements to the framework will occur as user needs change and are better understood by the CIKS developers and partners, and as enabling information technologies emerge over the 5-year development life of CIKS. CIKS will show concept and provide value within a two-year time frame, yet maintain a five-year development life. This will be achieved through the establishment of NIST/construction industry partnerships and the establishment of a test bed whereby partners can test production systems and data for interoperability, and obtain developmental and implementation solutions for incorporation into industry-developed systems.