FireDOC Search

Wang, S.
Ein Detektor fur spezielle Trands mit variabler Fensterlange und seine Anwendung in der automatischen Brandentdeckung. [Detector for Special Trends With Variable Window Length and Its Application to Automatic Fire Detection.]
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PR. China
Book or Conf
University of Duisburg. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '95", 10th. Proceedings. [Internationale Konferenz uber Automatischen Brandentdeckung.] April 4-6, 1995, Duisburg, Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 357-367 p., 1995
fire detection | fire detection systems | signal detection | sensors | false alarms | windows
[Abstract in English] Signals of fire sensors always have their steady state values. In the fire case, the signal trends are special because of the steady state value. In this paper, a detector for the special trend is proposed. One adaptive window has been used for the trend calculation in this detector. When the detector finds a trend, the window can be extended step by step automatically, in order to reduce false alarms. The detector has been tested by different signals with a simulating program. The tested results show that the detector can discover the standard test fires in time and has a very low false alarm rate.