FireDOC Search

Michailow, K.
Fire Protection.
DESOWAG Materialschutz GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany
Book or Conf
Gepipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet. International Symposium on Fire Protection of Buildings, 3rd. May 10-12, 1990, Eger, Hungary, Banky, T.; Kovacs, B. D., Editors, 19-25 p., 1990
fire protection | fire statistics | coatings | fire behavior | building materials | wood | steels | regulations
Fire presents a great danger for a building in which people are at risk and equipment can be destroyed. The statistics for the FRG document that at present there is one fire every day per 100,000 inhabitants. This means, in relation to the total number of inhabitants, 600 fires per day or 220,000 fires per year. The material damage caused by these fires amounts, according to information from insurance companies, to more than 4 billion Deutsche Mark. Preventive measures, other than fire fighting (fire service), comprise preventive structural fire protection, which is specified in the state fire protection laws and building regulations.