- Author
- Horasan, M. B. N. | Ramsay, G. C. | Taylor, P. T.
- Title
- Reverse Engineering as a Tool in Fire Safety Engineering Assessments.
- Coporate
- AGAL, Victoria, Australia
- Book or Conf
- Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 4th International Conference. Proceedings. March 20-22, 2002, Melbourne, Australia, Almand, K.; Coate, C.; England, P.; Gordon, J., Editors, 358-369 p., 2002
- Keywords
- performance based codes | fire safety | case histories | safety engineering | fire safety | egrees | evacuation | smoke spread | smoke control | fire spread | occupants | fire suppression | fire detection | time | warning systems | people movement
- Identifiers
- ASET/RSET (available safe egress time/required safe egress time) evaluations; reverse engineering in the context of fire and its products; reverse engineering in relation to occupant evacuation; Required Time Value (RTV) flow chart; evacuation time periods and relevant fire safety system components