FireDOC Search

Krasny, J. F. | Frohnsdorff, G. J. C.
Study of Hazards From Burning Apparel and the Relation of Hazard to Tests Methods. Sixth (6th) Quarterly Report.
Gillette Research Institute, Rockville, MD
Sixth (6th) Quarterly Report, July 7, 1972, 24 p.
garments | flammable fabrics | fabrics | fire hazards | test methods | mannequins | flammability | ignition | exposure | fibers | fabric construction | burns (injuries) | temperature measuring instruments | clothing burns | heat flux
Previously reported results of 30 second burns on the female mannequin have been reviewed for evidence of patterns of high temperatures which might give additional information on factors affecting burn injury. The results suggest that the bra provides significant protection against high temperature exposures in these experiments, panties possibly provide some protection, and that flames rising on the outside of garments may cause high temperatures at the throat before high temperatures have been reached at the chest and shoulders under the clothing. The relationship between maximum mannequin temperature, as indicated by temperature sensitive papers and pellets, and heat input to the mannequin surface as indicated by heat flux sensors, has been examined for the sensors on the female mannequin. The correlation is poor. In view of the fact that burn injury is known to be closely related to a heat flux-time integral, future work will rely more heavily on heat flux measurements. The necessary heat flux sensors and switching circuits for input to the high speed recorder are under constructon. The system will have 24 heat flux sensors per mannequin and the connector plugs are arranged so that they can be interfaced easily with a stepping switch - high speed recorder system in our laboratory or the digital data collection system in the DuPont Textile Research Laboratory. The heat flux sensors will be calibrated with known heat fluxes and also in terms of burn injury to rats. The equipment for the rat burn injury studies has been assembled.