- Author
- Morishita, Y.
- Title
- Statistical Analysis of Fire Spread Process In Houses.
- Coporate
- Building Research Inst., Tokyo, Japan
- Sponsor
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NBS SP 540,
- Distribution
- Available from Government Printing Office
- Book or Conf
- National Bureau of Standards. Fire Research and Safety. 3rd Joint Panel Proceedings Conference of the U.S. Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). March 13-17, 1978, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Sherald, M. A., Editors, 356-381 p., 1979
- Keywords
- fire spread
- Abstract
- Fire spread process is dominated by vrious factors such as live load, interior finish materials, condition of openings, fire extinguishment, etc. There are already many studies on the effect of these individual factors by experimental methods, but statistical studies how the factors functionate at actual fire scenes where the factors are joined together are very few. I think, this is because besides the fire spread phenomenon is very complex and munifold, on-the-spot surveys of fire incidents are attended with many difficulties.