FireDOC Search

O'Donnell, F. R. | Etnier,e. L. | Holton, G. A. | Travis, C. C.
Assessment of Radiation Doses From Residential Smoke Detectors That Contain Americium-241.
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN
Department of Energy, Washington, DC
ORNL-5807, October 1981, 69 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
smoke detectors | human beings | waste disposal
Americium 241; human populations; data compilation; dose equivalents; radiation doses; radiation monitoring; radioactivity
External dose equivalents and internal dose commitments were estimated for individuals and populations from annual distribution, use, and disposal of 10 million ionization chamber smoke detectors that contain 110 kBq (3 mu Ci) americium-241 each. Under exposure scenarios developed for normal distribution, use, and disposal using the best available information, annual external dose equivalents to average individuals were estimated to range from 4 fSv (0.4 prem) to 20 nSv (2 mu rem) for total body and from 7 fSv to 40 nSv for bone. Internal dose commitments to individuals under post disposal scenarios were estimated to range from 0.006 to 80 mu Sv (0.006 to 8 mrem) to total body and from 0.06 to 800 mu Sv to bone. The total collective dose (the sum of external dose equivalents and 50-year internal dose commitments) for all individuals involved with distribution, use, or disposal of 10 million smoke detectors was estimated to be about 0.38 person-Sv (38 person-rem) to total body and 1.3 bone sv (130 bone-rem).