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Harrison, R. J. | Palmer, M. E.
Guidelines for the Specification and Validation of IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Application Protocols.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM
NISTIR 88-3846, January 1989, 111 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
data converters; standards; proving
computer aided design; initial graphics exchange specification; data management; computer applications
The document provides a background discussion of product data, describes the concept of IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) application protocols, specifies the technical content of an IGES application protocol, describes a validation methodology for these application protocols, and provides guidelines for the implementation of an IGES application protocol. A key conclusion of the background discussion of product data is that IGES application protocols must be developed in order to achieve consistent and reliable exchanges of product data within specified application areas. The technical content of an IGES application protocol includes a conceptual information model for the application area with its supporting documentation, an application protocol format specification with a protocol usage guide, and a set of application protocol format test cases. These test cases must be used in concert with a well-defined testing methodology. Since no complete IGES application protocols currently exist, the document describes a current implementation of an application protocol process that is based on a partially complete application protocol.