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Auerbach Associates, Incorporated
National Fire Loss Data System Project. Interim Report.
Auerbach Associates, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
AUER-2080-TR-2, October 18, 1972, 66 p.
fire losses | fire data
A project has been undertaken by AUERBACH Associates, Inc., under a contract with the National Bureau of Standards, to design a National Fire Loss Data System. This interim report describes the work performed to date and the resultant conceptual design of the system. There is a widespread need for data which describes the nature and extent of fire loss in the United States. Existing systems which collect and report such data are not sufficiently borad or are lacking in detail or precision. The current project is intended to determine what is needed and to specify a system which will meet those needs. This section summarizes the programs and status of the project. The remainder of the report is devoted to the National Fire Loss DataSystem (NFLDS).