FireDOC Search

Beausoliel, R. W. | Meese, W. J. | Yonemura, G.
Modification of Fluorescent Luminaires for Energy Conservation. Technical Note. March 1, 1975-April 30, 1975.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Federal Energy Administration, Washington, DC
NBS TN 886, October 1975,
Available from National Technical Information Service
fluorescent lamps; revisions; capacitors; efficiency; energy conservation; power factor; illuminating; luminaires; buildings | capacitors
Reducing energy consumption in existing buildings by reducing the number of lamps presents technical problems when more than one fluorescent lamp operates from a single ballast. A preliminary investigation was made whereby capacitors were substituted for one fluorescent lamp in a two-lamp luminaire which operated with a single ballast. Under optimum conditions, lighting efficiency (foot-candles per watt) was nearly as high at reduced power input as it was with two lamps operating normally. No failures in lighting equipment or capacitors occurred and no fire hazards, other safety hazards or other unsatisfactory occurrences were observed. A more thorough investigation involving a number of parameters is needed to ascertain the feasibility of this modification.