- Author
- Magnusson, S. E. | Frantzich, H. | Harada, K.
- Title
- Fire Safety Design Based on Calculations Uncertainty Analysis and Safety Verification.
- Coporate
- Lund Univ., Sweden
- Journal
- Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, 305-334, November 1996
- Report
- LUTVDG/TVBB-3078-SE, 1995, 125 p.
- Keywords
- fire safety | evacuation | risk assessment | design applications | sampling | sensitivity analysis | structural engineering | safety engineering | uncertainty
- Identifiers
- uncertainty analysis; Monte Carlo; FOSM; safety index; partial coefficients; design values; knowledge uncertainty and variability (stochastic uncertainty); calculation and simulation methods for methods A-E - software requirements; methods of safety checking - derivation of partial safety coefficients; project overview, characterization of building, calculation model and input data; uncertainty analysis according to the FOSM method; uncertainty analysis according to numerical sampling procedures; First Order, Second Moment (FOSM) method